Rent Agreement of Vehicle

When it comes to renting a vehicle, a rent agreement is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental. This agreement protects both the renter and the rental company and ensures that everyone is on the same page before the rental commences. Here are some key things to keep in […]

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Documents Required for Agreement to Sale

When it comes to purchasing a property, an agreement to sale is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. This includes the purchase price, payment terms, possession date and other relevant details. However, in order to draft an agreement to sale, certain documents are essential to ensure a smooth […]

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Employee Non Compete Agreement Violation Letter

Employment non-compete agreements can be a valuable tool for employers to protect their business interests. These agreements typically prevent employees from working for a competitor or starting a competing business for a certain period of time after leaving their current job. However, sometimes employees violate these agreements, which can be a cause for concern […]

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Stamp Duty on Bank Loan Agreement

As homebuyers and property investors, it`s important to understand all the costs that come with owning a property. One such cost is the stamp duty on bank loan agreements. This may not be a familiar term to many, but it is an important cost to consider when purchasing a property. What is stamp duty? […]

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Odds of Contracting Covid 19 outside

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the world. With millions of cases and thousands of deaths, people all over the world are trying their best to stay safe and avoid contracting the virus. One of the most debated topics in this regard is the odds of contracting COVID-19 outside. Studies show that […]

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