Click-Wrap Agreement vs. Browse-Wrap Agreement: Understanding the Key Differences

In today`s digital landscape, online agreements have become an essential part of doing business. These agreements are intended to protect both businesses and consumers from potential legal disputes. But when it comes to online agreements, there are two primary types: click-wrap agreements and browse-wrap agreements.

While both agreements serve similar purposes, they have different requirements and legal implications. So, let`s dive in and understand the key differences between click-wrap agreements and browse-wrap agreements.

What is a Click-Wrap Agreement?

A click-wrap agreement is an online agreement that requires users to take an affirmative action, usually by clicking on an “I agree” button, before they can access a website or use a software application. This type of agreement is commonly used when a user is downloading software, purchasing a product, or signing up for a service.

Click-wrap agreements are highly enforceable because they require users to explicitly agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement. The user cannot access the website or software without first accepting the terms of the agreement. This makes it easier for businesses to defend themselves in court if a user violates the terms of the agreement.

What is a Browse-Wrap Agreement?

A browse-wrap agreement is an online agreement that is usually displayed on a website`s footer or terms and conditions page. This type of agreement does not require any affirmative action from the user, such as clicking on an “I agree” button. Instead, the user is deemed to have accepted the agreement by simply using the website or software.

Browse-wrap agreements are less enforceable than click-wrap agreements because they do not require explicit consent from the user. The user can argue that they were not aware of the agreement or did not agree to its terms and conditions. Therefore, it may be harder for businesses to defend themselves in court if a user violates the terms of the agreement.

Key Differences between Click-Wrap Agreements and Browse-Wrap Agreements

Here are some key differences between click-wrap agreements and browse-wrap agreements:

1. Affirmative action: Click-wrap agreements require users to take affirmative action by clicking on an “I agree” button, while browse-wrap agreements do not require any affirmative action.

2. Enforceability: Click-wrap agreements are more enforceable because they require explicit consent from the user, while browse-wrap agreements are less enforceable because users can argue that they were unaware of the agreement.

3. Accessibility: Click-wrap agreements are more accessible to users because they cannot access the website or software without first accepting the agreement, while browse-wrap agreements are less accessible because they are often buried in the website`s terms and conditions page.


In summary, click-wrap agreements and browse-wrap agreements are two types of online agreements that serve similar purposes, but they have different requirements and legal implications. Click-wrap agreements are more enforceable because they require users to explicitly agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement, while browse-wrap agreements are less enforceable because they do not require any affirmative action from the user. Therefore, it`s essential for businesses to choose the right type of agreement that suits their needs and offers maximum legal protection.